Millions of people are working from home, accessing company data through unprotected home computers and creating a field day for cyber hackers.

ITsMine technology protects your company’s data against hackers. It’s quick and easy to install, and the company is offering it for free during the coronavirus crisis, says founder and CEO Kfir Kimhi.

“Once your kids are downloading a game onto your computer, the hackers are there,” Kimhi says. “They’re installing malicious code on the system.”

ITsMine’s Data Breach Protection technology is already defending major banks and healthcare systems. It’s ideal for smaller businesses and can be installed remotely in about half an hour, he says.

ITsMine CEO Kfir Kimhi discusses ITsMine’s Data Breach Protection
with OurCrowd CEO Jon Medved

“Having people work from home is obviously necessary,” Kimhi says. “But it places businesses under immense stress. Data breaches and ransomware attacks historically rise during a crisis, and we’re already seeing that happen. Then there’s the added danger of a decentralized workforce which adds many more potential attack points and vulnerabilities for sensitive company data. Companies need to be aware of that and understand the steps they need to take to mitigate those risks. To do our part during this tumultuous and unprecedented time, we’re providing our Data Breach Detection and support free of charge.”

Cyber attacks have escalated sharply since the pandemic began.

“With everyone stuck at home to avoid COVID-19 exposure, working, socializing, and even homeschooling online, cybercriminals see a smorgasbord of ways to exploit the situation,” says David Emm, Principal Security Researcher at Kaspersky.

A survey in April found that almost half of UK employees working from home during the coronavirus pandemic have been the victim of cybercrime.

“Endpoints are notoriously vulnerable, with as many as 42% being unprotected at any given time. With so many people using compromised laptops or home computers to log-in to the corporate network, they are creating a weak link in the security chain, and potentially devastating damage to their employer at what is already a very testing time,” says Dave Waterson, CEO of security protection software company, SentryBay.

It’s a problem that will only increase as people continue to practice safe social distancing and stay away from their office.

“As more people shift to working from home because of the coronavirus outbreak, users will realize the security software on their home devices are inadequate for guarding against cybersecurity threats,” says Naveen Menon, president for Southeast Asia at Cisco.

When the crisis began, network security concerns took second place as businesses made huge efforts to keep operating.

“Companies just connected their people to work from home. The first task was for every security team and every IT team is to be able to connect the people so they could start working – don’t lose time, just keep the business going,” says Kimhi of ITsMine. “Now that everything is working they need to think about, okay what is going on with the data.

ITsMine helps keeps track of company data even when it’s outside the system in employees’ home computers. It’s not too late to take action – it’s simple, and the sooner, the better, he says.

“The first stage is what we call Data Breach Detection to know what’s going on with your data and for that we need half an hour of your time,” he says. And for now, it’s free.

Find out more about ITsMine here: and learn more about why we’re investing in this company at

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