Have you ever had a flicker of inspiration? A moment in which you knew you were going to change the world with one simple thought? And then, for whatever reason, that great thought just… didn’t really go anywhere? There are a lot of reasons to let those inspiring thoughts pass you by, to ignore them, and to move on. Our own thought? Don’t let your thought pass. Let it become an idea. Let it become your idea, and then let it change the world. Inspiration comes not only in opportune times, but also in the most unexpected.

Israel WYBIHere at OurCrowd, we see hundreds of brilliant ideas each month, and it’s our job to choose the greatest and support them on their route to success. These innovations make the Startup Nation what it is today, brought together by the brightest minds and strongest wills. We want to celebrate these ideas, and we want to inspire you to pursue yours.

We are launching our #WYBI? campaign to showcase some of the world-changing ideas that have sprouted from Israel over the years. OurCrowd hopes these ideas will encourage you to share your big idea with the world and make it come to life. Through images, podcasts, videos, and text, we are going to post with a purpose – to inspire your passion and light your creative fire.


Every big idea once started as that flicker of inspiration, and now is the time to let the flicker stay lit. Over the next month, we’ll be sharing big ideas daily.  For your daily dose of innovative ideas, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

So we want to know: what’s your big idea?

Submit ideas for consideration below or on our website, israelideas.com and see them shared across our social media streams.


 DiskOnKey WYBI Afimilk WYBI