Working from home? Protect company data with ITsMine
Millions of people are working from home, accessing company data through unprotected home computers and creating a field day for cyber hackers. ITsMine technology protects your company’s data against hackers. It’s quick and easy to install, and the company is offering it for free during the coronavirus crisis, says founder and CEO Kfir Kimhi. “Once your kids are downloading a game onto your computer, the hackers are there,” Kimhi says. “They’re installing malicious code on the system.” ITsMine’s Data Breach Protection technology is already defending major banks and healthcare systems. It’s ideal for smaller businesses and can be installed remotely in about half an hour, he says. ITsMine CEO Kfir Kimhi discusses ITsMine’s Data Breach Protection with OurCrowd CEO Jon Medved “Having people work from home is obviously necessary,” Kimhi says. “But it places businesses under immense stress. Data breaches and ransomware attacks historically rise during a crisis, and we’re already seeing that happen. Then there’s the added danger of a decentralized workforce which adds many more potential attack points and vulnerabilities for sensitive company data. Companies need to...
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