How can we use data to fix the world?
Dr. Kira Radinsky can actually fix the world. At the 2019 OurCrowd Global Investor Summit, eBay’s Chief Scientist and Director of Data Science disclosed how her desire to understand causality between world events led her to develop the ultimate AI data system. Dr. Kira Radinsky’s AI system seems straight out of the future: her algorithm-based technique can not only reposition drugs, it can also predict global calamities in an effort to prevent them. Data as a means to predict disease outbreaks and riots Try to picture sorting through every tweet, web search, and article. Ever. Kira Radinsky built a system that can process all of that information. But she then wanted to go further. She recognised the power that may lie within data and asked herself, can the data processing system calculate the common denominator between dozens of ebola outbreaks? The system revealed that when people were looking for diamonds and gold, the carriers of Ebola – bats – would migrate. In fact, the latest Ebola outbreak first presented itself in a three year old child who ate uncooked...
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